

Alcohol Consumption.Problem

Data summary


Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Missing
alc_morning [factor]
  1. Never
  1. <1 day/week
  1. A few days a week
  1. Daily or almost daily
66930 ( 87.6% )
3946 ( 5.2% )
2297 ( 3.0% )
3247 ( 4.2% )
438993 (85.2%)
alc_problem_mental [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
75294 ( 98.5% )
1126 ( 1.5% )
438993 (85.2%)
alc_problem_work [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
73936 ( 96.7% )
2484 ( 3.3% )
438993 (85.2%)
alc_problem_cant_stop [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
68312 ( 89.4% )
8108 ( 10.6% )
438993 (85.2%)
alc_problem_shakes [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
76130 ( 99.6% )
290 ( 0.4% )
438993 (85.2%)
alc_intake_change [factor]
  1. About the same as before
  1. Has increased a lot
  1. Has decreased a lot
48723 ( 63.8% )
4753 ( 6.2% )
22944 ( 30.0% )
438993 (85.2%)

Generated by summarytools 1.0.1 (R version 4.3.1)

Resurvey 1

Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Missing
alc_morning [factor]
  1. Never
  1. <1 day/week
  1. A few days a week
  1. Daily or almost daily
2284 ( 89.7% )
85 ( 3.3% )
78 ( 3.1% )
100 ( 3.9% )
17256 (87.1%)
alc_problem_mental [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
2529 ( 99.3% )
18 ( 0.7% )
17256 (87.1%)
alc_problem_work [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
2501 ( 98.2% )
46 ( 1.8% )
17256 (87.1%)
alc_problem_cant_stop [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
2332 ( 91.6% )
215 ( 8.4% )
17256 (87.1%)
alc_problem_shakes [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
2546 ( 100.0% )
1 ( 0.0% )
17256 (87.1%)
alc_intake_change [factor]
  1. About the same as before
  1. Has increased a lot
  1. Has decreased a lot
1814 ( 71.2% )
97 ( 3.8% )
636 ( 25.0% )
17256 (87.1%)

Generated by summarytools 1.0.1 (R version 4.3.1)

Resurvey 2

Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Missing
alc_morning [factor]
  1. Never
  1. <1 day/week
  1. A few days a week
  1. Daily or almost daily
2717 ( 89.7% )
101 ( 3.3% )
80 ( 2.6% )
131 ( 4.3% )
22223 (88.0%)
alc_problem_mental [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
2944 ( 97.2% )
85 ( 2.8% )
22223 (88.0%)
alc_problem_work [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
2914 ( 96.2% )
115 ( 3.8% )
22223 (88.0%)
alc_problem_cant_stop [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
2710 ( 89.5% )
319 ( 10.5% )
22223 (88.0%)
alc_problem_shakes [factor]
  1. No
  1. Yes
3003 ( 99.1% )
26 ( 0.9% )
22223 (88.0%)
alc_intake_change [factor]
  1. About the same as before
  1. Has increased a lot
  1. Has decreased a lot
1789 ( 59.1% )
153 ( 5.1% )
1087 ( 35.9% )
22223 (88.0%)

Generated by summarytools 1.0.1 (R version 4.3.1)

International Coordinating Centre, China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB), CTSU, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford Old Road Campus, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7LF

Tel: +44 (0)1865 743743 | Fax: +44 (0)1865 743985 | Email:

Copyright China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB), University of Oxford, (2024)

Page generated: 27-02-2024