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Olaa Mohamed-Ahmed

DPhil Student

Olaa is a part-time DPhistudent working with the China Kadoorie Biobank and UK Biobank datasets on a comparative epidemiology of autoimmune diseases in China and the UK. Her DPhil is supported by the Oxford-MRC Doctoral Training Partnership and she is supervised by Dr Fiona Bragg, Dr Christiana Kartsonaki and Professor Zhengming Chen.   

Olaa studied medicine at Cardiff University, and then began her foundation training and public health training in Oxford and the surrounding areas in 2011. She completed the MSc in Global Health Sciences in 2014 and has worked with several departments on Old Road Campus, including as an Academic Clinical Fellow with the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (NPEU).  

Olaa continues to work as a part-time Consultant in Public Health with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (within the Department of Health and Social Care) as the lead for COVID-19 recovery, homelessness, food poverty and behaviour change for the South East regional office.