
Section and category

Tea Consumption.Details


“On days when you drink tea, which type do you usually drink?”

Additional information

contents Categorised
is_mandatory Yes

Data summary


value freq pct_valid pct_tot
Green /Jasmine tea 146564 85.27 28.44
Oolong tea 7801 4.54 1.51
Black tea 17115 9.96 3.32
Other tea 408 0.24 0.08
<NA> 343525 NA 66.65

Resurvey 1

value freq pct_valid pct_tot
Green /Jasmine tea 4626 83.88 23.36
Oolong tea 283 5.13 1.43
Black tea 593 10.75 2.99
Other tea 13 0.24 0.07
<NA> 14288 NA 72.15

Resurvey 2

value freq pct_valid pct_tot
Green /Jasmine tea 5260 73.42 20.83
Oolong tea 743 10.37 2.94
Black tea 736 10.27 2.91
Other tea 425 5.93 1.68
<NA> 18088 NA 71.63

Between-survey agreement

Fleiss’ Kappa for m Raters:

N.participants Surveys Statistic Coefficient Z.statistic p.value
2420 3 Kappa 0.644 75.107 0

International Coordinating Centre, China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB), CTSU, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford Old Road Campus, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7LF

Tel: +44 (0)1865 743743 | Fax: +44 (0)1865 743985 | Email:

Copyright China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB), University of Oxford, (2024)

Page generated: 27-02-2024