
Section and category

Physical Exam.Lung function


“Second FVC measurement”

Additional information

validation Soft min: 70 or Fev1_second_x100 or (Fvc_first_x100 - 100), Soft max: 600 or (Fvc_first_x100 + 100), Hard min: 10 or (Fvc_first_x100 - 200), Hard max: 800 or (Fvc_first_x100 + 200)
contents No. of litres (x100)
is_mandatory No

Data summary


mean sd min q1 med q3 max mad iqr cv skewness se.skewness kurtosis n.valid pct.valid
264.43 75.81 10 211 257 311 688 72.65 100 0.29 0.42 0 0.17 515413 100


mean sd min q1 med q3 max mad iqr cv skewness se.skewness kurtosis n.valid pct.valid
265.07 72.2 52 215 258 309 575 68.2 94 0.27 0.44 0.02 0.37 15816 100

Resurvey 1

mean sd min q1 med q3 max mad iqr cv skewness se.skewness kurtosis n.valid pct.valid
283.72 91.34 13 222 276 339 770 85.99 117 0.32 0.44 0.02 0.44 19480 98.37

Resurvey 2

mean sd min q1 med q3 max mad iqr cv skewness se.skewness kurtosis n.valid pct.valid
288.58 93.75 24 225 279 344 800 85.99 119 0.32 0.66 0.02 1.12 24298 96.22

Between-survey agreement

[1] “Spearman’s correlation matrix:”

Baseline Qc Resurvey1 Resurvey2
Baseline 1.000 0.873 0.739 0.640
Qc 0.873 1.000 0.718 0.622
Resurvey1 0.739 0.718 1.000 0.646
Resurvey2 0.640 0.622 0.646 1.000

International Coordinating Centre, China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB), CTSU, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford Old Road Campus, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7LF

Tel: +44 (0)1865 743743 | Fax: +44 (0)1865 743985 | Email:

Copyright China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB), University of Oxford, (2024)

Page generated: 27-02-2024