The Principal Investigators of the CKB are Professor Liming Li (PKU) and Professor Zhengming Chen (Oxford). Their work and that of their teams and collaborating partners in Oxford and Beijing is supported by a number of governance committees. Additional working groups are convened to assist with the day-to-day operations of the study.
Key Committees
CKB STEERING COMMITTEEResponsible for the overall leadership, strategic development and management of the study.
INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE BOARDProvides advice, support and guidance to the CKB Steering Committee and Principal Investigators on the study’s scientific direction, strategy and operations.
RESEARCH MANAGEMENT COMMITTEEHelps coordinate, manage and monitor the combined research activities of the ICC, the NCC and their collaborators. Oversees open data access procedures and management.
INDEPENDENT ACCESS COMMITTEEProvides oversight and guidance on data access issues, monitors the progress of all data requests and reviews any requests that raise particular issues (e.g. those relating to the use of samples).
For further details of the terms of reference and committee membership email: